- Wesley Fryer - Director of Education Advocacy for AT&T in the state of Oklahoma
- Julie Linder - Education Outreach Coordinator, Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Judy Salpeter - Contributing Editor, Technology and Learning Magazine
- Scott Merrick - LS Tech Coordinator/Teacher-in-residence, University School of Nashville/Vanderbilt University
- Jim Klein (Me) - Director IS & T, Saugus Union School District
As educators' adoption of Web 2.0 technologies continues to grow, and as students and teachers continue to move from mere content consuming toward content creation, copyright and licensing issues will undoubtedly represent some of the greatest challenges in the learning environment. It is critical that we, as tech-savvy educators, endeavor to not only understand the issues at play, but also that we find ways to foster discussions around the topic of "digital citizenship" in our environments, and seek every opportunity to share our knowledge effectively with our peers.
Click below to listen to the podcast (approx. 1 hr):
The notes from the discussion are here, and the chat log, which contains a number of great links to valuable resources is here.
Our next, live conversation is scheduled to take place on February 20, 2008 at 12pm Pacific, 3pm Eastern on Talkshoe. Feel free to join the conversation!